Thursday, August 26, 2010

Touched By An Asparagus

What does thirteen years of Christian retail get you?
Sadly, it gets you jaded. You find yourself numb to many things that should really stir your spirit. It is sad, but it is true. I spent ten years with Veggie Tales videos playing in front of my eyes, but I must admit I rarely paid attention to what they said. Now that I have been relieved from the joy of a paycheck, I have a little more time to stop and smell the, no, not roses... tomatoes.
Levi has recently decided he wanted to watch a Veggie Tales video. We have a couple here at home. He watched "God Made You Special," which had the stories of "Dave and the Giant Pickle," "Bob's Vacation," "The Gourds Must Be Crazy," and "A Snoodle's Tale" on it. They have been a positive influence on Levi, and blessed influence on me. Thanks to Jimmy Gourd, Levi now has a "Hankering," and yesterday said he was "famished for pizza." He hasn't started singing "Meet Me in St. Louis," but does know the Muffin Man.
I have been profoundly impacted by "A Snoodle's Tale." The lesson it teaches it that what others say about you can weigh you down, and people can use their words and actions to hurt. Yet they do not define who you are. What matters is the picture God paints of you, and his opinion of who you are is what should matter.
What has brought me to tears has been the song at the end of the show, "My Day," sung by Junior Asparagus. In the first verse, Junior has been a good little vegetable, and sings the chorus:
"And so, it's good to know,
How much you love me.
It's true- the Bible says you do,
You really love me.
Your love was with me all throughout my day."
The second verse features Junior having a hard time behaving. Even with this, he can go back and sing that chorus. We fall short, but God still loves us. His love goes with us. He doesn't like to see us fall, but loves us still, and will forgive us.
The last lines just grab me:
"In my bed so quietly
I think of how much God loves me."
Yeah, it's simple. How often are the simple things the most powerful tools God uses? Also to be asked, how did I miss it all those years? Where was my head all the time these videos were playing? Come whay may, thank you, God, for showing it to me now.

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