Monday, August 2, 2010

And They Will Know We are Christians by Our...

...snide comments made behind each others backs.

Christians would never insult each other, would they? Would they say something to their neighbor about a friend or acquaintance, out of the knowledge or earshot of that person? Would they?
That is what many of us around here call a "phone ministry."
But you know the old joke, and if Aaron Wilburn doesn't mind, I will use it- it's all okay, as long as you say "Bless his heart." Because that means that you think that, but it is for their own good that you're talking about them. Other people need to know what you perceive their flaws are.
James 3:10 says, "Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so." I am guilty of this myself, so if I am calling anyone on the carpet that the color could not be agreed on, it's me.
The modern way of the "phone ministry" is the indirect reference. In your conversation, in your blog, or status updates, it is that "I know a person that..." reference. In other words, I don't want you to know that I actually know this person, even though you may know who it is. But I have an issue, and I want you to know about their flaw. Again, I am a guilty party, and I admit it.
What we need is a little maturity in our lives. Like I said in my last post, I hate confrontation. Yet a little is necessary to grow. If you have an issue with someone, take it to the Lord. Go to that person and air it out. I do not believe that it is possible for everyone to have a perfect, symbiotic, kum-by-yah relationship, nor do I think we should have. What I do think is that if we know where each one stands, we will respect each other more, and it will allow us to grow individually and spiritually. Also, it will grow the church closer to the unity that Christ wants.
And my goodness, our phone conversations will be much more sweeter!

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