Thursday, April 30, 2009

It has begun

I will get back to the whole "Church Me" format, but it is not yet time. I first have to get done with this semester of school. It had me thinking this morning about Philippians 1:6 : "Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ..." This is only the end of the first year of college for me. But it is only the beginning. The other things that are going on in our life: whether it's getting a car fixed up, going to the doctor about what will happen over the next eight months, or whether it's about what's going on in your life.
What is going on in your life? Did your husband or wife tell you it's over? Did the doctor? Did you get a good deal on a new car? Did you get a raw deal? Did you have to leave the church you were attending over doctrinal issues (I guess I can't let it go)? Do you find yourself hiding in your basement afraid of pig flu (sorry, Lord Obama - H1N1)?Each of these things are just the beginning. Hold on. Stay strong. Wait on the Lord. He has a plan for you.
We never see the whole picture now. It takes a lifetime in some cases to see where we got to from where we are going. Only eternity can sometimes show us how god was working. But keep on. He who began a good work WILL complete it.

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