Saturday, April 11, 2009

Church me, part 1

A little background about me: I am the son of a preacher. I went to the same church until I was 27 years old. The last seven of those years, I was music director. We left because we lived out of town, and the drive was much too far. We're back in the same county, but it's a big county. My family needs closer neighbors and friends, a close church family. We joined a church last year in a transition period between Pastors, and the new Pastor's teaching was not to our liking. Therefore, we left.
We visited a church a couple of times, which shortly afterward asked their Pastor to leave. We are not doing the transition thing again. (Let this be a warning to all Pastors- if we visit your church, dust off your suitcases and polish your resume! KIDDING)
The long and short of it is this: there is no good way to look for a church! We get recommendations from friends, but you don't want to disappoint them and say you didn't like it. They might start thinking you think they're weird, or they'll think you're weird, etc. I tried our local Baptist association (I'm closer to the Baptists than anything, I guess) website. They have a directory of churches, but maybe a third of them have websites. It should be a prerequisite that a church now have a website!
Simply put, it's not a good situation to be churchless. I plan on devising a method of how to choose a church. I will work on the logistics, and post it another time. Meanwhile, if anyone out there has any suggestions for finding a church in Caldwell County, NC, with solid teaching, a nursery, and music for a worshipper and a traditionalist, please let me know!


courtney7880 said...

I am excited for you that you have a blog...but coveting you at the same time. I want one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My husband and I will be coming to an area near you soon...good Lord willin' and the creek don't be praying for a house for rent to open up! We will leave the church finding part up to you guys....hehehehe....see you soon! BTW...Happy Birthday in 1 hour and 28 minutes!

Amber Benge said...

Hey! Just found out you had a blog! Hooray!

I know that is so tough to find a church that fits. You guys will find one, I'm sure of it! Just don't give up. We're praying for ya'll to find the right church and right worship style for your family. If we hear of anything around these parts, we will let you know. Josh is just now getting to know a few other pastors in the area. So far they are all old, and kind of dull. But I didn't say that... haha!

Anyway, hang in there and just enjoy worshiping at lots of places in the mean time. And I know HCBC isn't exactly the style you guys are looking for, but you're always welcome anytime you want. :)