Saturday, April 11, 2009

From my MySpace blogs...#3

Originally Posted: Saturday, January 26, 2008

Current mood: calm
Category: Religion and Philosophy

Everybody has favorites in this world. We have favorite foods, sports teams, colleges, superheroes, etc. And not everyone will, or I say, can have the same favorite. For example, if your favorite food is cheeseburgers, my lactose intolerance makes it impossible for it to be mine.

My siblings and I graduated from Hibriten High. My nephew is currently a freshman at Hibriten. On the flipside, I have two mieces that attend rival West Caldwell High. I try to support each in what they do, and I want their schools to do well. But unfortunately for my nieces, I have a point where I draw the line: Hibriten vs. West.

Jesus told us that dual loyalties were not sustainable, starting at Matthew 6:24. To paraphrase, you will love one, and hate the other when their worlds collide. I would like to see West beat Hickory, or any other school in conference. But when they play Hibriten, hold on. My primary loyalty is to Hibriten, my alma mater. Hannah and Katy understand this, I'm sure.

If something is in the way of a Christian's full service to Christ, it must give place. But it will not do it willfully. We must lay aside every weight (Hebrews 12:1). If TV watching blocks your spiritual life, turn it off. If your non-Christian friends try to steer you away from doing right, you must make them take a back seat.

On spiritual, and on personal levels, if your life is hindered by obstacles, you must put them down. It is not easy, by any means. You need help. Help from God primarily, and from your peers. Ask them to pray with you, support you, and keep you accountable.

I, for example, have a problem with food. The body is the temple of God, and mine is currently a megachurch. I would like to lose 50 pounds, and I can not do it alone. I will need help first from the Lord, asking Him to help me be strong. Then I will need help from each of you that read this. Help me to make wise food decisions, and don't offer me seconds!

Seriously, pray for me. And pray that I will have inspiration to do more blogging. I feel like I'm slack. See you soon!

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