Thursday, July 8, 2010

Let me give you a good love story

This is actually based upon a status update I placed on Facebook this morning:
I’ve come to realize something about this whole Twilight phenomenon, and why it is so popular. It catches a place in everyone that is looking for true love, which unfortunately there has been an absence of in this world. What Stephanie Meyer does is create a story where a character, Bella, meets and falls for Edward, who promises her true, eternal love.
This is where the story runs awry for me. Edward is a vampire. He has an existence based upon a curse. He loves Bella also, and knows that in order for the two of them to live and love forever, he must also curse her, which is something that he does not want to do. To readers and watchers, that provides a sense of heartbreak, and is carried on until the fourth novel.
This is where my problem with the story lies. The basis of this story rests in an ideology of “this is all there is.” It lives in a world where people live eternally, and are cursed, and those that die are not, yet are. The chance for true forever love is there, yet to have it; one must succumb to a curse. That is almost as saddening to me as the numbers of good people that have been taken in by the evil world of vampires, werewolves, and the like, which act like a “gateway drug” to the truly demonic.
For I know, and believe in my heart, of a true love story. There is One that wants to love you truly, deeply, and forever. His story cannot be found in a Stephanie Meyer novel. Like Edward, there is blood involved, yet we do not have to lose it: He already has. We do not have to die to have a life forever with Him: yet if we do, we never have to part. If we but ask Him, he will live with us, talk with us, and guide us. In this case, the thing holding us back from this perfect love is not His curse: it is ours. Opening our heart and life to Him is what frees us from that curse, and makes us free to love.


Sheyna said...

ohmyword, this is so good. You expressed this so eloquently. Thank you. I love you so much and am so honored to be your wife.

courtney7880 said...

Jonathan...this is absolutely amazing. I am at a loss for words...(cue your celebration)....I love it when you finally put your thoughts out after you have mulled something over!!!!! Wonderful!