Friday, July 16, 2010

Attack of the Grammar Police

My head is about to explode. I have been reading postings, status updates on Facebook, blogs, just words all over the place, and I can not take it anymore. I place blame on the public school system, of which I am a product.
Too many people depend on these social networks to keep all their friends informed of their lives, yet they do not have a clue of proper punctuation, grammar, or even how to spell. Why I blame public education is this: English classes of my day, and probably present day, spend too little time on grammar and more on reading and symbolism and less on teaching people how to function daily.
I have seen countless examples lately of the southern staple "y'all." Yes, it's Y'all! Y'all is short for "You all." It could not be "ya'll" because the apostrophe would separate a word. If you wonder why your spell check just flashed red, it isn't northern bias, you're wrong!
Too many people do not know the difference between there, their, and they're. "There" is telling where something is happening. "Their" is possessive, and refers to something that belongs to someone. "They're" is "they are." So there!
Really aggravating to me is that people do not know the difference between "to", "too," and "two." "To" is a word that is so multifunctional that is is its own category in the English language. "Too" means also, as well. "Two" is a number. To say "I'm going to" and to say "I'm going too" means two different things. Watch how you type it!
One more, and my rant for tonight will stop. "Your" is possessive. "You're" means "You are." This appears to be the worst offense. It really drives me nuts when I read Facebook posts and I have to read it three times to understand it!
There are more rants, but I will save them for another time. Just to give you a hint: "It's" going to be fun!

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