Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Instant Jesus and Microwave Faith (aka Hocus Jesus)

With recent changes in my schedule I have found myself with a span of 2 hours with nothing to do in the morning. So, I have made a good decision: I have started doing some walking. When they get the showers installed at my workplace, I may (SHUDDER) even start jogging. I am doing this in North Wilkesboro on the Yadkin River Greenway. It's a nice trail, running almost 1.5 miles by the Yadkin and Reddies Rivers. I have a good time doing it every day I get out there- up until I make my way back and I see a marker telling me I have 1 mile to go. Walking 3 miles a day isn't always easy, and I truly learn to persevere. I want to stop, I want to quit. But the Greenway doesn't loop, and there are no golf carts parked along the way to take me back. The other people on the path don't know who I am. How do I get back to my car? I have to keep going.
What in the world does this have to do with my title? Keep following.
Another thing that I have been dealing with is a major toothache since July. I have struggled with it especially in the last 4 weeks, when stabbing pains have attacked me while I sleep. I would wake up in tremendous pain, and would instantly start praying for God to touch me. You know what? I would not always get instant relief.
What does that mean? Does that mean God can't heal me? Does it mean He doesn't care? Does that mean He isn't there? Nope, none of these are true. He is acquainted with our sufferings, familiar with our grief. He loves us, and doesn't want us to suffer. But he does want us to grow.
I have seen some people call out to Jesus and seen instant change. I've heard of the doctor's reports of fabulous healing that reason cannot explain. But things are not always instant. To some healings there are no shortcuts. God has given men great knowledge to set limbs, create casts, and make some incredible medicines. After recent issues, Tramadol is one that comes to mind. Augmentin is another. Sometimes the best course of healing is the natural course, and through this God teaches us patience and perseverance.
This is where faith healers have done us a disservice. Many think that just because they asked Jesus to touch them once and He didn't, it isn't true or He doesn't care. They think this in other areas, such as struggling at work, or looking for work, or elsewhere. They use the name of Jesus as a magic word, and when they don't get the instant results, they go away. In other ways, they wonder why God doesn't help them win the lottery (yes, it's true). They wonder why their relationship has not changed. They prayed one time, and have received no results. This isn't faith; this is Hocus Pocus, breathe a prayer and hope it works, and that doesn't cut it.
Like when I have a mile to go, the only way to get to the end is to keep going. Keep praying for the job to come, and continue your search. Keep praying for provision, and quit playing the lottery- the odds are against you. Take the medicine the doctor gave you.  Keep going- He will sustain along the way.

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