Monday, March 21, 2011

What I realized tonight was...

...I'm getting older.
It hasn't been just tonight. It has been over the past few weeks. I was driving home from work and was thinking to myself about how many time I have driven down that road in my life. I then thought about the old road that went from Wilkesboro to Lenoir. It was less wide, had more curves, but it was a lot more fun to drive.
Then I thought- this car will go over 40,000 miles this week, That is ridiculous. Wait a minute- shouldn't I be driving a Chevrolet Cavalier? What about my Ford Ranger? There was the other thought- that place I was working. Isn't that the mall? Didn't I visit that arcade so many times, that Belk, so many times? How in the world did this become a large office building? What about when I got home- how in the world do I have kids? My baby boy is an unbelievably talkative 5-year-old that only talks about car brands and car makes. That can't be possible, can it? My wife put pigtails in my baby girl's hair. I looked at her and realized- - she's not a baby! She's a girl!
I pass by Hibriten High, and I'm thinking about classmates, band, the football team, realizing am I not supposed to be going there? No- my nephews go there, and one just turned 18! Wait- why am I turning down Hibriten drive? I live this way? I'm not going home to my parents? No, I live this way now. Wait - there's Willard! He always used to walk by my house on the way to town! At least that's familiar! What is he wearing? Oh, goodness, no!
(DISCLOSURE: Willard is a man that walks around Lenoir wherever he needs to go, in an array of disguises and costumes. tonight he was wearing a 2-piece ladies' swimsuit, a bra, and some boots.)
At least some things never change.
The fact of the matter is, life just passes by so quickly. The Bible describes it as a "vapour." James 4:14 says "How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog—it’s here a little while, then it’s gone (NLT)."
This is where I am now. I am an adult. I'll be 34 in a few weeks. Next year I can run for president. No, I am not interested. I am an adult. Now I am living my life in the morning fog, If I have any advice, it would be this- get yourself a good breakfast, and enjoy. Take in the pictures, and hold on to them.

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