Wednesday, March 30, 2011

We are NOT all leaders

When you graduated high school, your valedictorian and the guest speaker prepared you to be the future leaders of the world. The same thing happened in college, if you made it to your graduation.
Your bosses expect leadership and initiative from you, looking for people with initiative and drive that have that leadership "gene" to promote into positions of authority.
There are reasons that John Maxwell and Ken Blanchard have jobs. The world needs leaders. People need to succeed, and should strive to be the best they can be.
But I have news that should stun you:
Think first about it in the logical sense: If everyone leads, who will follow? If a leader has no one to lead, he or she is an island unto themselves.
Some are meant to follow. Some are meant to serve or to be a servant. Someone has to clean up for the leaders. For every CEO, there are 10 maintenance men. For every supervisor, there has to be the supervised. The foreman needs a construction crew.
I am not saying don't shoot for the stars. By all means, shoot. The thing I am saying is this, in old-school Dwayne Johnson (aka The Rock) fashion: Know Your Role.
You may have to be in a position for a few months. embrace your position and work as hard as you can. You may be offered a position as a sanitation worker, and not anything else. Take it, because someone has to do it. You may not like what the preacher has to say in your church. That does not mean God is calling you to start a church just down the street less than a mile from the old church and half a mile from the other church. Maybe you should just examine the Word, yourself, and what the pastor is saying.
Take a moment and examine your position. You may have been in the same position for 7, 8, maybe 10 years. You may feel like you were made for something more. However, you haven't gone anywhere. The thing is, God has put you there. He asks you to be content (Phil. 4:11). If you are in a position of leadership, He asks you to serve as He did (John 13).
Yes, expect the best from yourself, and try to make the best of where you are. But remember, you are there because someone needs to be.

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