Friday, May 21, 2010

My One (HA!) Major Flaw

We now present some breaking news from me, because I am the only one that can report it: I am not perfect. This will come to a shock to any of you that know me, I know. I must report to any and all that read this that have once again reacted to a situation before I thought or prayed about my reaction.
The situation is this: I have a family member that is, in many ways, quite like me. This is the primary reason we have rarely ever gotten along. Part if this similarity is our passive-aggressive nature. I can and will hold things in and make flippant remarks after the fact that will cut like a knife. God has been dealing with me in this area of my like, and I like to think I have been better. Yet after this family member posted a Facebook status, I was furious. I was not directly mentioned, but I know it was all about me and my family.
So that you will not totally judge me, I did not comment to the post or post on this person's wall. I sent a private message instead. I did it impulsively, without hesitation. I reacted before I thought.
I guess I could feel good about this character flaw: it makes me more like the apostle Peter. Peter had to be rebuked by Jesus once, admonished another time, and rebutted by God the father on the mount of Transfiguration. Hey, look! I'm like Peter! That must make me a better person!
No, it just makes me flawed, imperfect, and a work in progress. Look at Peter after the denial of Christ. He became a bold preacher, the leader of the early church, the one that took the Gospel to the gentiles, and the subject of many jokes about Heaven.
This is because God worked on him throughout his life. He did not give up on Peter, has not given up on me, and the same is true for you. Likewise, we should not give up on each other. James 1:19 tells us to be a fast listener, slow to speak and to get angry. Even the deepest hurt gives us the chance to show grace to even the least deserving.
So hold on. Give it a moment before you react. When you (I) do, the grace of God shines through our life. When that happens, everyone benefits, and He gets glory.

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