Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Better things to do

This one's gonna be a little short, for one simple reason: I'm really tired. I had a different experience at work this week, actually getting to work two days in one of our stores. It's been a nice change of pace.
I have continued to follow what I started last week, but not at a level as in the week before. I've decided that essentially I must agree to disagree with some people. I will never agree with the President, for example. But I accept that God has placed him in authority over this nation for now, and I must pray for him as the Bible mandates.
I will probably not agree with radical Christian bloggers who say that a pastor is disingenuous without paying attention to what he preaches. I will agree with them on one point: Jesus is the sacrifice presented to God the Father for all the sin of mankind, and only in believing in Him do we gain eternal life and a home in Heaven. Nor will I agree with a mega-pastor just because another one does, if I have an issue with their doctrine. But I know that there is something that we that claim the name of Christ need to point people toward.
It kind of reminds of me of this Gaither song. Sorry about the video quality, it's all I could find:
I believe that we are truly going to be surprised when we get to Heaven all the people that are there. So many divisions have divided the church. Some have been major theological discussions based on the serious issues such as interpretation of the scripture. Some have been over the color of the carpet, what version of the Bible to use, hymns, etc. While I do not think we will be asking God "How did that person get here," I think we will still be surprised.
Tonight as I write this, a dear family friend and author of the "Lessons Learned" blog to your left, Courtney, has lost her dad. After spending a lot of his life far from God, he finally came to Christ last year. It provides comfort that a person who knows Christ makes it to his heavenly home. It allows a person that is facing the rest of their life without that person comfort to know of a reunion day.
It is the hope of Heaven, and the reality that one day we will be with God, with Jesus, praising Him for His sacrifice, and reunited with our loved ones that accepted Him as savior for all eternity that really matters. In times like these, it's what we turn to.
It's something that we can all agree on.

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