Sunday, January 16, 2011

So What Do You Do?

I was reminded this week of a sermon series that Elevation Church did in 2010 called "e." The "e" stood for "empowerment," and was basically a call to action to members of the church that they are to do the work of the ministry. The job of the pastor is to encourage and inspire. In other words, we all have a ministry.
I was reminded of that this week thanks to one phone call. Here's the backstory.
I consider January 14, 1995 my "spiritual birthday." It is a day that I distinctly remember. I do hold August 20, 1998 in higher regard, because on that day I rededicated my life to Christ after hearing some incredible preaching from a young preacher named Bobby Petree. But anyway...
There is a man in Lenoir named Bill Suddreth. For years he was a barber at Central Barber Shop downtown. He is probably one of the happiest people you will meet. He was always singing, smiling, just a happy individual.Over the years, he developed a ministry. He would call people on their spiritual birthdays, wish them a happy birthday, and offer them an encouraging word.
I forgot that he did that until this past Friday, when he called me.
From the hospital.
With a collapsed lung.
It was hard for him to talk, yet he did his best. It was probably the most encouraging phone call I have ever received. His word to me was great to hear, but his strength in calling me, when most people would otherwise not, was even more encouraging. That was the best thing about it. He reminded me that God can use anybody, at anytime. He only asks that they be willing to be used. Don't depend on the preachers to do the ministry- the Great Commission was for everyone.
So what do you do? Do you lead others by example? Or are you like a football game- on one day a week? Do you share others with what you say or by how you live? Or do people see that fish on the back of your car and denounce your God by your actions?
If you are a Christian, you are the minister of the gospel. It is up to you to live a life that shows you are not ashamed. Find a way to help others around you see Jesus. Live your life as an example to others to see. Chances are, others will want to experience some of what you have. You just need to find that way.
Bill Suddreth has, even with a collapsed lung.

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