Sunday, July 29, 2012

Looking with a different perspective- - a.k.a...

...God is not your ATM.
I have been doing some heavy reading this past week. The book of choice? The Pursuit of God, by A.W. Tozer. It has really helped to stir some things inside me, and some things I hadn't even read in the book. The second chapter regards how possessions should not be in the place of God. While I read it, it made me think about something very important.
How many of us "serve God" simply for what we can get out of it?
I'm serious. I have been reading the book of Hebrews and getting my soul stirred this past week. I started reading this book, and what I've come to realize is that I have to want to love God, and God alone, for what He is. If I want to love God for what it gains me, then I do not really love God. I love the benefits of loving God.
It reminds me of a line from the 2003 movie "A View From the Top" (if you've never seen it, don't go looking for it). Mike Myers' character says the most famous line from the movie: "You have the wrong emPHASis on the wrong SylLABle."
How many times have we read Matthew 6:33 (ESV) like this? "But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, AND ALL THESE THINGS SHALL BE ADDED TO YOU."
How about Psalm 37:4 (NASB)? "Delight yourself in the Lord; AND HE WILL GIVE YOU THE DESIRES OF YOUR HEART."
One more- Philippians 4:19 (KJV): "But my God SHALL SUPPLY ALL your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus."
See where I put the emphasis? That's where so many of us have that emphasis. True, the Psalms tell us to forget not His benefits (Psalm 103:2), but we aren't supposed to only serve Him for those benefits.  That would be like marrying someone for their looks, or because their family is rich. What do you get? An armpiece and an inheritance. But there is no love there. 
God is not your ATM, and He is not your Sugar Daddy. Jesus didn't die so you could avoid overdraft fees.
(Wow, that was good! I'll have to remember that one!) You have to want to know God, earnestly seek after Him. Ask Him to break your heart with love for Him, to show you fresh what Jesus did for you by His sacrifice. Then your emphasis will be in the right place. "SEEK FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD AND HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS," DELIGHT YOURSELF IN THE LORD," etc.
What I honestly want in my life right now is to honestly know God. I want to develop a deeper love for Him, and to know Him more. I want to delight in Him, and to seek what I can do for Him for the sake of His kingdom. He will then be the desire of my heart. In Him I will have everything I need.
I don't know how that will change me, but it can only be for the better.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Statements of belief, part 2

First, I apologize for the two month hiatus. I have had to have a mental break, and to be honest, have worked a lot of overtime at night. I'm mentally very tired, and the inspiration has not been there. I will endeavor to be back, and try to make it weekly if I can help it.
Second, I would like to apologize once again to those legendary "Blue Collar" comics, because I am once again stealing their shtick.
I believe that people that drive pickup trucks with a camper on them have given up on ever going the speed limit again.
In that same vein, I believe that the people that do not drive pickups with campers drive the largest vehicles that can be purchased.
I also believe that Ford's decision to stop making the Crown Victoria and the Mercury Grand Marquis equals age discrimination.
I believe that Walmart puts "Enter" and "Exit" above their doors for a reason. If you do not go in or out the right door, I will get in your way.
I believe that smugness is a quality that should be abhorred by every person, and that the smug should be smacked.
I believe chocolate should be in integral part of the food pyramid, or one of the food groups. (Do they still have the food groups, by the way?)
I believe Liam Neeson is an incredibly good actor. If you don't believe that, he will find you, and he will kill you.
I believe that if you take a car to get repaired for the third time for the same issue they should give you a new one. They do that for appliances if it's under warranty.
I believe that voting against a person is never the way to vote. If a person must be defeated, then there must be something about his opponent that should be supported. Otherwise, there is no foundation for voting.
I believe Ron Paul supporters should give it up and look at the bigger picture.
I believe Burger King has a true identity crisis.
I believe that Hollywood still has no original ideas. They're remaking Total Recall, for crying out loud.
Conversely, I believe Dallas is can't miss TV.
That's because I don't believe it is a remake because many of the characters are reprising roles. It's a re-launch.
I believe that superhero movies continue to improve.
I believe that Tim Burton has some secret footage of Johnny Depp, and that's why he keeps making his movies.
I believe that's enough for now. I'm going to watch the end of Batman Begins on FX.