Thursday, March 1, 2012

Church Signs, part 2: A Season for Everything

I wanted to show you two more church signs that I have seen in recent months. Two signs that remind us of the joy of the Christmas season. That glorious time of the year, when the weather is cooler, etc.
Scene 1:
Feel free to come to this church if you are interested in adoption or adding to a family in rapid, rapid manner.
Scene 2:
This church is rapidly becoming the proverbial gift that keeps giving.
I know you're looking at this and saying "You know, there's nothing really wrong with this. It's cheesy, yes, but no typos, no grammar issues. Why is it here?"
Maybe this church is taking to heart the sentiment of celebrating Christmas all year long. Or maybe this is the church where the people that leave their Christmas lights up all year long. Whatever the case, Merry Christmas, people. I forgot to take the picture for scene 3. Maybe we'll make that into another topic for another time.

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