Friday, August 29, 2008

The start of things to come

This is a new place to be...

To introduce myself to you, my name is Jonathan. This blog is called "The Wide scope of things." It is called that because Wide is in my last name. From middle school through high school, it was kind of a nickname for me, partially because of my size and my name. I am a big boy.
Why am I here? Well, it's really for a college class. I graduated Hibriten High School in 1995, and took a break from school. Thirteen years later, the break is over. If I had known financial aid and the process to get into school was so easy, I would have done it sooner. Part of the assignment in my intro to computers class this week is to come to this website and create a blog.
That's not a problem. I have a little blog already, on MySpace. I will try to link those blogs to this site, so that any one interested in what big little ol' me has to say can take a look. If you want to look beforehand, go to
I'm excited about the future. I'm excited about what going to college will bring in my life. I'm excited about seeing my little boy grow up. I'm excited about my upcoming 5-year wedding anniversary. I'm excited about Sarah Palin. I'm excited about breakfast in the morning, and I don't even know what it is!
I'm even more excited to see what future posts will bring...

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